Latest Mnt Goat Newsletter



May 16, 2024 Mnt Goat News Brief

Hi Everyone,

I have some very interesting news to share with you today.


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Going on over 10 years now, I have taken my own time to research and document findings about the revaluation and reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. At this time more than ever I do not need to be doing this. I do it out of charity and love with understanding that all of us do NOT have the time to go do our own research. We are busy with our jobs, our daily lives and raising our children. So, I try to help out. But remember I too am very busy in my daily life too. I am no different, yet I take the time out each day to complete the task of research and composing my newsletter for you. This Newsletter will not survive without your ongoing support. There are more than 20,000 followers and readers on my blog. Why do the same handful only help out? Do the rest not want or care about the news I bring?

I feel we have been in a critical period of the currency reform program since January of last year 2023. Now we are in a “vital” period.  Like a game of chess, we are now in a waiting mode for the Central Bank to make their next move and rollout the second-rate change in-country to just over a dollar, that we were told is coming. Since they told us they now control the parallel “black” market, and that negotiations were successful in lifting sanctions on many Iraqi banks.

If you have gifted already, as I can see many have recently…. a heart-felt Thank YOU!  

2 Corinthians 9:7

“Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly” .

Did you happen miss the last couple Newsletters? Click here to go to Mnt Goat Archives.

More news….


Today, Thursday, the Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, outlined the loans provided by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq since 2003, while noting that their total did not exceed 8 billion dollars, confirming that they were repaid in full.

Saleh said, in a statement followed by “Al-Eqtisad News”: “Since 2003, the International Monetary Fund has provided several loans to Iraq that were aimed at supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing financial reforms. Between the years 2003 and 2021, Iraq obtained several financing programs from the International Monetary Fund, “Including emergency loans and relatively long-term financial assistance.”


The month of May is half over already. Where is spring going….? If I could, I would take a walk with each and every one of you up my favorite mountain trail and show you the amazing Alpine beauty this time of the year. Each year I take these hikes in the spring as a promise of new hope of the dreams of the impossible. But if you don’t dream and pray them into existence that what is life anyway? So far, I can’t complain about my life. I have a wonderful, caring and loving husband. We had two smart, beautiful, and healthy children. (No WOKE idiot stuff here!) Yes, business in the gasthaus has slumped since Covid and it is hard recovering since tourism as a whole in Bavaria has drastically dropped. But we pray that things will turn around some day and I know they will. Sometimes the IMPOSSIBLE just takes more time.

So what is in the news this period? Oh… the news is very good as it backs up so much of what I have been telling my readers of the blog all along. All I have to say is “I told you so”. Yes, we all want to know what is the holdup of the RV and I say there is no holdup, only time. The holdup comes only in your mind as many of you are persistent on listening and believing these idiot intel gurus out there on the internet. These idiots are brainwashing you. Get it? They are not realist. They take a small grain of sand, of an event or article, and make it into a mountain of intel and then that becomes their next event to track that they tell you will bring you the RV, if only it occurs. But what happened to the last event they told you would surely bring the RV. Didn’t happen did it? How many of these events did they get you to track over the years?

Yes, I also had to do some rethinking many times already on what is holding up the RV and then I decided to take another smarter approach and just let it all play out. The process must just play out. The plan of Dr Shabibi must be executed and there are many stumbling blocks and deviations along the way. But Iraq must and does, always come back to the 2011 Dr Shabibi plan. I know through the past articles and my CBI contact that the reinstatement will happen and has to happen if Iraq is to regain their national sovereignty. Do they want it bad enough? Does the pope say mass on Easter Sunday?

I have been showing you evidence now for over 10 years of this FACT. Yes they do want it so bad and that will power of the Iraqi people is what is going to get us the RV. Get it? Just look at all the assets alone of Iraq vs Kuwait. Then compare the Iraqi IQD rate to the Kuwaiti KWD rate. Do you see something strange here? This alone if nothing else tells us an amazing story of corruption at the highest levels over Iraq and it’s not just in Iraq as it is a sham job on Iraq by the US government. When will they finally realize to let go the IQD reinstate and stop all this bullshit financial reform excuses as their warped justification to hold it up. Let me give you a perfect example today to prove my point and that I am correct in my thinking on this matter.

In cases like this you have to take a step back and look at the big picture. It is like being lost in the trees that you can’t see the entire forest anymore. So, we have to take a step back and look at the BIG picture. We have to step out of the trees to see the extent of the forest. It is only through this research that we can clearly see the holdup of the RV process. We must also be real with our gut feelings and stop pretending everything is alright, as there is still work to be done and I mean work to resolve the US and UN corruption schemes upon Iraq. As far as the Financial Reforms, I will talk about them but the reforms they truly need now are no longer mechanical in nature but reforms of the thinking, of a mindset by the powers to be to allow Iraq to move truly in the direction it needs to go. We are not idiots as we read all about the instituted stock market, banking and insurance reforms that were implemented. Did we miss something? Maybe but I don’t believe we did. Frankly I do not see this happening during the corrupt Biden administration.

☹ So, in today’s articles they talk about the dollar once again and how corruption has gotten a hold of it again. But this time through a measure we didn’t expect. You might want to go read the article titled “ARAB BANKS SWEEP THE DOLLAR PLATFORM.. WASHINGTON SANCTIONS FREEZE THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT AND THE CENTRAL BANK IS CONTENT WITH SILENCE“. In this article it notes and I quote – “The false and twisted policy of the United States of America towards Iraq is being exposed day after day in many cases, including the dollar crisis that Washington created to impose dictates and blackmail the government publicly after punishing Iraqi banks in two installments and imposing strict measures in exchange for obtaining the dollar from the electronic platform. This made the opportunity available for Arab banks to invade the platform and dominate the sale of the dollar with clear laxity and in violation of the law from the Central Bank. Why is the central bank allowing this to occur? He continues, “The entry of Jordanian, Emirati, and Gulf Arab banks into the dollar selling platform will make them compete directly with Iraqi banks,” calling on “the Central Bank to reconsider these licenses or limit the points they offer in general.”  This allow other Arab banks outside of Iraq to sweep the dollar platform, yet the Washington sanctions freeze the Iraqi banks from the dollar and the government and the Central Bank is content with silence? Who is bribing who? The recent sanctions reduced the number of Iraqi banks to only five Iraqi banks are now on the electronic platform and can deal in dollars.  I quote from the article – “The basic law stipulates that the percentage of Arab banks is not allowed to increase by more than 49%, but the current Central Bank law allows Arab banks a percentage of up to more than 80%,” . This current disobedience of the Central Bank law has made Arab banks dominate the Iraqi banks. 

How much of the dollars have left Iraq by this practice?

I quote from the article – “During the same period, Al-Mansour Bank alone, which belongs to Qatar, achieved profits amounting to 27 billion dinars,” indicating that “the error began with granting licenses to Arab banks to work in… The Iraqi Financial Market.   The Central Bank’s policy will contribute to lose control over the banking system, which will remain in the hands of the United States and Jordanian banks,” warning against exploiting this file politically in the future.  So please don’t tell me the corruption is still not going on as the US is right in the middle of it. Someone is giving the CBI direction as their puppet.. They always seem to portray themselves of the helpful savior while in the background they stab you in the back again when you are not looking. So what US politicians are taking the golden eggs now?

Having said all this about the ongoing NEW means to steal the Iraqi dollars I will also tell you that now you see the dilemma and predicament of the prime minister Sudani and his financial advisor in trying to revive the dinar to its former glory. They must somehow cater to these crooks yet work to overcome them too. Iraq is still losing billions over this dollar issue.

So, what is the REAL and FINAL solution?

Iraq must somehow get a hold of the over $220 billion dollars (from the sale of oil) now held in ransom in the DFI fund held in American banks set during the war as part of the sanction process. Oh… but I ask you again – aren’t all the sanctions now lifted as of December 2022? This money is used as “blackmail” money and Iraq must beg for it to even just to pay the Kurdistan salaries. Yes, this why we always read about these salaries being paid so late to Kurdistan. We read article already how the GOI is asking the US and the UN to now release this money. Will they? Will the US and UN lose their leverage over Iraq if they do? Yes, it’s all about getting Iraq to do what they want them to do as a puppet for their corruption schemes. The US Treasury talks big about reforming the Iraqi banks, but when it comes right down to it, the US really only wants any reforms that suit their needs and purposes of yet more manipulation of the dollar to make yet more money off it. Folks, it is all just a game. When will this game end? Yes, the new electronic platform ended a lot of corruption inside Iraq but then it opened the door for more outside Iraq. I have to ask myself what will really happen in June when they end the Eletronic Platform. Will it be postponed for some half-brained excuse?

Another REAL and HONEST solution to this issue of US and UN corruption to coincide with the freeing of the DFI fund is to get off the Petro dollar and allow Iraq to sell oil and receive revenues with payment of any preferred currency. Oh…. I know the US does not like this suggestion! For the petro dollar helps prop up the demand for the dollar. But we know that the Sudani government already requested this to happen since they are now fully out of sanctions and this is why they went to the petro dollar in the first place. The war is over, the sanctions are over!

But let me say this too. That it is human nature that when you are sucking on the “proverbial mother’s tit” too long you get used the easy food. This is why Dr Shabibi wanted to reinstate the dinar so early in the game. Actually, he too was late as originaly the plan was to do it in just a few years later, but disagreements in getting the new Iraqi constitution finalized stop it then. So the corruption now is too pleasurable to give up since it has gone on so long, it is almost a way of life now. This is it in a nut shell and is truly what is going on in Iraq today. The paradigm shift must occur. I cannot say it any clearer or use a better analogy. Or maybe the goose that lays the golden eggs is a better one, but you get my point.

So, we can go back and forth each year watching the budget and telling ourselves if only they open the budget the new rate will appear and the RV is set in motion. If only, if only, if only,…bla…bla…bla.. Really? In everything I just told you, do you think this is the holdup? Are you stupid or what to believe such other guru nonsense?

😊 But there is some good news too and it is hopeful. As I already explained now that Iraq has been out of sanctions for over a hear, it gives them leverage to demand the release of the DFI funds and to get off the Petro dollar. Also we read in todays that The Chairman of the Securities Commission, Faisal Al-Haims, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the Commission is studying the possibility of licensing brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges.

😊 Also, Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani said on Wednesday that the memorandums of understanding signed with the United States during his visit to Washington last month (Aprill 15-19) are being implemented on the ground. We know already what many of these agreements entail and they all move Iraq steps closer to the reinstatement.

😊 This is the WOW article of today – Also, the General Authority of Customs announced today, Tuesday, achieving what it described as a historic increase in its revenue rate during the first quarter of this year, while it expected a doubling of revenues once the automation project is completed. As I told my readers many times already that his revenue stream from the customs and tariffs alone can rival the oil revenues if the GOI can control these payments into the general fund and not have them absconded. The best part is these revenues do not have to be paid in US dollars and put into the DFI fund either. It is money that the GOI can manage directly. The full article is in the Articles Section titled – “AFTER IMPLEMENTING ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, CUSTOMS ANNOUNCES A “HISTORIC” INCREASE IN ITS REVENUES“.

So, I have to ask this. When will the pressure be so great upon the IMF and US of the wealth of Iraq and its normalcy in dealing with the international arena again that the inevitable has to happen….which is… THE REINSTATEMENT BACK ON FOREX!

Please stop trying to tie the event of the RV/Reinstatement to any or a couple of nice things you see going on. This is much. much bigger. We witnessed Dr. Shabibi make announcements too about the fils and the newer lower denominations in 2012. We witnessed videos being broadcast in Iraq on the future plans of the national currency n 2012. This is all not new revelations and has all happened before only nothing happens afterwards. Could it this time around? I hope so and I think it will but stop the hype and relax. You are only opening up yourself for more disappointment. The US and the UN are not yet as fully onboard or engaged in the process as we might think and this is apparent in that there should have already been a rate on FOREX years ago, if even to reflect the oil revenue part of the assets. But it is changing rapidly not because they want it to change but because they are being forced to change along with Iraq. They know the goose that lays the golden eggs can’t live forever. The party is about to end! The entire world is watching. Get it? This is why we must trust that the Hand of God will help the people of Iraq. We must pray, pray and pray for Iraq like never before. And when you get back from the bank get on our knees and thank God for what he has done.

We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his agreements with Washington are implemented. Pray for the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption. Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country.

Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

                                             Just the FACTS!

We have now entered a new period in 2024. It is shaking the very foundation of all the corrupt leaders and non-elected officials. We are now feeling the shift, says the Lord our God. A very different period than 2023. This is the period of justice. But where is the justice so far? The courts will be shaken and those who brought this plan to destroy our nations will be dealt with. With spring comes new life to our nations and then in Summer we will see the Lord’s vengeance and the earth will speak out to us, as it too feels our pain.

LIVE WITH JULIE: The Time of Uncertainty Has Begun

The Time of Uncertainty Has Begun



Is Trump just part of a larger plan to free
our country from the globalist forced takeover to

join a One World Government/Order?



Gee Whiz….could this be why Biden opened the border wide open and now refuses to close it?



I can’t tell you how to think, but come’ on folks, lets take a serious look at what’s going on to try to prevent Trump from having another term. Biden will do anything to stop Trump, even trying to rig another election (again).

But watch this video then you decide.



So, let’s get our FACTS straight. Who is the culprit here? Who is the real enemy? Are your protesting in favor of the Palestine civilian casualties? Don’t you know that Israel is actually LIBERATING the Palestine people from Hamas, a terrorist organization, which has threatened them for decades? Do the majority of Palestinians really want to be liberated or do they just hate the Jews so much, through the same propaganda used in WW2 under Hitler. Most don’t really even know why they hate the Jews, only they have been told so many lies to hate them. Sound familiar? Why are we letting history repeat itself? Do we need concentration camps again to realize what is going on. I have never seen Senator Lindsey Graham get so angry over an issue before.


How to pray the Rosaries

Please try to remember to pray each and every day. The rosaries for me is my way to pray and has had a significant impact on my life. It has meant many miracles for me and my family. It can for you too, and the Blessed Immaculate Mary asks that we pray “faithfully” each day. You can also pick your own personal prayers, as the rosary is just my choice and I just wanted to share it with you.

Fr. Mathew teaches how to say the Rosary

We all know something has gone terribly wrong with our nation. A supernatural battle is taking place to determine the fate of America. In just twelve minutes a day you help bring forth a divine intervention to save our country using this book. With Lent beginning tomorrow on Ash Wednesday let us not forget to fast, meditate and pray for the salvation of America. There is an organization that is taking on this endeavor through helpful prayer guidance. This is what I plan to do. How about you?

Buy a nice pair of Rosary beads for praying here.

Anyone can join the hundreds of thousands already involved in this rapidly-growing prayer movement. It’s easy to get started:

Pray the Daily Prayers To Save Our Country

Order the official prayer book, read or listen online, or print them out. Just click on the prayer book below.

A National Prayer Movement
for God’s Help


The General Authority of Customs announced today, Tuesday, achieving what it described as a historic increase in its revenue rate during the first quarter of this year, while it expected a doubling of revenues once the automation project is completed.

The head of the General Authority for Customs, Hassan Al-Ugaili, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “During the years 2022 and 2023, the General Authority for Customs achieved an increase in the percentage of its revenues, and last year it reached 28%.”

He added, “In the first quarter of this year, the Authority achieved an increase of 120% over the first quarter of last year, as the first quarter of this year is the highest revenue since the founding of the Customs.”

He continued, “The increase came as a result of a set of measures by the authority through simplifying procedures, in addition to monitoring and implementing some electronic systems,” pointing out that “the authority is in the process of generalizing the application of electronic systems in all ports of the Iraqi state, and we hope in the middle of next year to end automation in all Customs centers. 

He pointed out that “the authority is looking forward to achieving an increase in revenues this year to more than 100% over the previous year,” expecting that “if automation is completed and fully disseminated, the increase may reach three times.”




Baghdad –  

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani said on Wednesday that the memorandums of understanding signed with the United States during his visit to Washington last month are being implemented on the ground, during a meeting with US State Department Assistant for Energy Jeffrey Payte.

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani received, on Wednesday, US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources, Jeffrey Payte, in the presence of the US Ambassador to Iraq, where they reviewed the most prominent files of cooperation in the field of energy, in all its forms, and ways to develop it, in a way that contributes to achieving common interests.

During the meeting, His Excellency stressed the government’s keenness to implement its executive approach within the axis of achieving energy self-sufficiency, in the fields of exploiting natural and associated gas produced locally, generating electricity, providing oil derivatives, and producing chemical fertilizers and petrochemicals, referring to the memorandums of understanding signed during his visit to the United States of America last April, which are being implemented on the ground.

Mr. Al-Sudani referred to the government’s efforts and steps in the field of economic and financial reform, especially in the fields of tax, customs and the banking sector, and completing the elements of the ideal investment environment, calling on American companies to work and invest in Iraq.

For his part, Mr. Byte praised the efforts of the Iraqi government in developing the energy sector, and referred to the joint statement of the Prime Minister and US President Joseph Biden, which represents a roadmap and framework for work and fruitful cooperation, stressing the desire of American companies to invest and expand their activities inside Iraq.



Today, Wednesday, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, stressed the importance of moving to reform the banking sector in Iraq, while noting that depriving some banks of foreign currency is an opportunity to restructure and organize them.

Saleh told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani has a keenness to protect national capital, in addition to the fact that banking institutions need reform,” indicating that “what happened in depriving some banks of foreign currency is an opportunity to restructure and organize them.” “.

He added, “There is a program to reform the banking sector by starting with the government sector because the government banking sector dominates 85 percent of banking work and the rest of the small emerging markets, even though their capital constitutes 78 percent of the banking system’s capital, but they need to be reorganized and restructured to transform into… “Sound market institutions are integrated into the global economic system and have a role in finance and economic development.”

He pointed out that “there is a reform process in Iraq that begins with the government banking sector and then the private sector,” pointing out that “the injustice that happened to the banks is an opportunity for reform.”



The false and twisted policy of the United States of America towards Iraq is being exposed day after day in many cases, including the dollar crisis that Washington created to impose dictates and blackmail the government publicly after punishing Iraqi banks in two installments and imposing strict measures in exchange for obtaining the dollar from the electronic platform. 

This made the opportunity available for Arab banks to invade the platform and dominate the sale of the dollar with clear laxity and in violation of the law from the Central Bank, which abandoned the matter of lifting sanctions on Iraqi banks and continued to grant licenses to Jordanian, Emirati, Gulf and foreign banks, which undermined the work of the local. 

*Central violations 

Speaking about this file, Al-Fath Alliance member Ali Al-Zubaidi criticizes the Central Bank’s controls for granting licenses to foreign and Arab banks to operate in the Iraqi banking sector, while he stressed that continuing to grant the dollar at reduced prices to these banks amounts to wasting the country’s share of the dollar.  

Al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Granting licenses to these banks should be in the field of investment, construction, loans, and initiatives, and not working on the electronic platform,” noting that “these banks have undermined the work of Iraqi banks to a very large extent.”  

(Now  you know why the Jan 2023 electronic platform is going away in June 2024)

He continues, “The entry of Jordanian, Emirati, and Gulf Arab banks into the dollar selling platform will make them compete directly with Iraqi banks,” calling on “the Central Bank to reconsider these licenses or limit the points they offer in general.”  

Al-Zubaidi continues his speech: “These banks’ possession of the dollar must be ended by buying the dollar at reduced prices and selling it at a higher price,” pointing out that “there is a clear error in the Central Bank’s controls in granting licenses to foreign and Arab banks to work in the Iraqi banking sector.”   

Arab banks sweep the dollar platform.. Washington sanctions freeze the Iraqi government and the Central Bank is content with silence ? 

(You can clearly see now the manipulation the Iraqi dollars and how they used the electronic platform even to get it)

*US sanctions 

In addition, economic expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi confirms that the US Federal Reserve’s sanctions revealed the falsity of the strict US administration on Iraqi banks only, while he stressed that the current central bank law has made Arab banks dominate Iraqi banks.  

Al-Marsoumi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The American ambassador contradicts the statements by talking about the development of the Iraqi banking system at a time when the Federal Reserve continues to issue sanctions,” noting that “the recent sanctions reduced the number of Iraqi banks to only five banks on the electronic platform.”  

He continues, “Arab capital opened banks with Iraqi names and management in order to enter the currency auction and the electronic platform,” adding that “the issue of granting licenses requires reconsideration of Arab and foreign investments within the country.”  

Al-Marsoumi continues his speech: “The basic law stipulates that the percentage of Arab banks is not allowed to increase by more than 49%, but the current Central Bank law allows Arab banks a percentage of up to more than 80%,” adding that “the current Central Bank law has made Arab banks dominate the Iraqi banks. 

*Bank profits 

For its part, an informed source reveals that Jordanian, Kuwaiti, and Qatari banks operating in Iraq achieved profits estimated at 200 billion dinars in just three months, while he confirmed that the Kuwaiti-owned Bank of Baghdad recorded profits worth 88.3 billion dinars, while the National Bank (of Jordan) recorded profits worth 88.3 billion dinars. Its profits amounted to 84.4 billion dinars.  

(The goose that is laying the golden eggs strikes again …… ☹)

The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “During the same period, Al-Mansour Bank, which belongs to Qatar, achieved profits amounting to 27 billion dinars,” indicating that “the error began with granting licenses to Arab banks to work in… The Iraqi Financial Market.  

He added, “The Central Bank’s policy will contribute to losing control over the banking system, which will remain in the hands of the United States and Jordanian banks,” warning against “exploiting this file politically in the future.”  

Many political and popular parties criticized the courtesy shown by the Iraqi governments towards the Jordanian, Emirati and Gulf banks and granting them privileges, facilities and illegal licenses, in light of their hostile policy towards the country on many issues, as well as their support for the usurping Zionist entity against the Palestinian people who have reached… use of airports, equipment and military aircraft.

(Now you can see why there is no RV until this is cleared up. This is part of the political corruption I am talking about. Get it?)



Shafaq News/ Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al-Alaq announced on Thursday the successful use of the electronic external transfer platform in combating money laundering.

This came during Al-Alaq’s participation, in the Arab Forum of Anti-Corruption Authorities and Financial Investigation Units in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to a statement issued by the bank’s media and received by Shafaq News.

Al-Alaq delivered a speech on the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq in spreading financial transparency and collecting and exchanging information on the real beneficiary at the international level, stressing the recent measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq, represented in the use of the electronic external transfer platform, which effectively contributed to determining the identity of the real beneficiary and prevented the use of external transfers as a means of money laundering operations.

He pointed out that the use of the cash sale platform contributed to the arrival of foreign currency to real beneficiaries of travelers or students outside Iraq, as well as other cases that need foreign exchange according to the law.

The Chairman of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, also participated in the same forum, and will present Iraq’s measures to combat corruption and its role in achieving development and economic growth.



The Chairman of the Securities Commission, Faisal Al-Haims, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the Commission is studying the possibility of licensing brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges. 😊 ☹

Al-Haims said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The authority has begun studying the licensing of brokerage companies to trade in shares on international stock exchanges through a technical committee within it.”

He added, “The Authority is working seriously to support and develop the stock market by studying the licensing of brokerage companies to enable them to trade in shares on international stock exchanges for the first time in Iraq.”

He explained, “This step comes in the context of protecting the rights of citizens to trade through brokerage companies that practice this activity without an official license from the Securities Commission, which seeks to develop the financial markets in the country,” noting that “the Commission is working to provide a stimulating and regulated investment environment.” “It contributes to enhancing confidence among investors and raising Iraq’s position in global financial markets.”



(This is one of those tricky articles to read. No, the IQD is not yet trading on FOREX. What they are talking about is the link on FOREX back the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX). They are not trading Iraqi dinars but other currencies. This article is just telling us that the CBI has lost control over these Iraqi investors wanting to make a quick buck off of FOREX. Read the next paragraph is says “Forex trade in Iraq is expanding to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in Iraq without state control over it” )

Financial experts said that Forex trade in Iraq is expanding to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in Iraq without state control over it.

Economic analyst Manar Al-Obaidi said that the volume of Forex trade in Iraq, according to studies conducted, amounts to more than 100 billion dollars annually with money far from state control, marred by fraud, money laundering, and illegal operations that link young people to illusory dreams of quick and easy wealth.

Forex, or the foreign exchange market, is a global, decentralized market in which currencies are traded. It is the largest financial market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded every day. Currencies are traded in pairs, for example, Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) or British Pound/US Dollar (GBP/USD).

When you trade Forex, you buy or sell a currency pair. If you think the value of one currency will rise against another, you will buy that pair. If you think the value of one currency will fall against another, you will sell that pair.

There are risks associated with Forex trading, including losses, as you can lose money if currency prices move against you.

Leverage can magnify your losses, as well as your profits.
Forex markets can be very volatile, which means that currency prices can move quickly and unpredictably.

There is a risk of dealing with fraudulent brokers.

Forex trading is not officially regulated in Iraq. This means that there are increased risks associated with trading with unregulated brokerages.

In 2023, the Central Bank of Iraq warned investors against dealing with electronic trading companies that offer buying and selling of currencies and gold, as these companies operate outside its regulatory framework.

The Iraqi Securities Commission also announced that trading in Forex, oil, commodities and international companies is illegal in Iraq.

Al-Obaidi said that Forex trade cannot be ignored around the world, but not legislating and monitoring it by responsible state bodies means heading towards illicit trade that takes place in the corridors of cafeterias and hidden social networking sites, and money smuggled in billions of dollars out of Iraq through fake companies.


         Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

                                             Just the FACTS!

Disclaimer: All information in this newsletter is not intended for investment decisions / purposes. Mnt Goat is not a financial analyst, planner, banker, attorney or associated in any role with giving out professional investment advice.

Auf Wiedersehen

Much love to ya all,

Mnt Goat

789 thoughts on “Latest Mnt Goat Newsletter

  1. I wonder if you saw this report. I think it’s great news! I conclude that 1445 might be a target by the CBI for the parallel rate. After that, he is expecting the official exchange rate to drop or rather increase to a thousand or lower, meaning better and that sounds like what we have been expecting all along for the next step. This person is close to the situation as I understand.

    What is the relationship between the Central Bank’s actions? The dollar will soon stabilize at 145 thousand dinars
    Economy |Today, 
    What is the relationship between the Central Bank’s actions? The dollar will soon stabilize at 145 t 1709541196_-1



    Baghdad today – Baghdad

    An expert in economic and academic affairs at Cihan University, Nawar Al-Saadi, confirmed today, Monday (March 4, 2024), that the decline in the dollar exchange rate is due to demand and supply on the market.

    Al-Saadi said in an interview with “Baghdad Today”, “The decrease has nothing to do with the procedures of the Central Bank, but the positive thing in the matter is that there has become strong compliance on the platform and many traders have begun to comply with it.”

    Al-Saadi added, “The current decline is due to the lack of demand for the cash dollar, and the pressure on the parallel market is due to trade with Iran and Syria.”

    He pointed out, “It is expected that the dollar will stabilize in the coming period at 1445, and a thousand dinars will rise or fall, and it will witness a long period of stability, if there are no sanctions on banks and banks.”

    Al-Saadi stated, “The US Federal Bank has indicated the presence of sanctions, but they may affect people and not banks, and therefore the stability level of the dollar will be between the forties, and this is the real demand for the dollar, because in the last period there were fears that led to an increase in demand.”

    Today, Monday, the exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar recorded a noticeable decline in the main stock exchanges in the capital, Baghdad, and the provinces.

    The “Baghdad Today” correspondent said, “The price of the dollar on the main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad, reached 149,500 dinars today, after it recorded 151,100 dinars per 100 dollars yesterday.”

    Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed on Sunday evening (March 3, 2024) that lowering the exchange rate means giving the dollar to illegal trade.

    Al-Sudani stated during his participation in the opening of the activities of the Al-Rafidain Dialogue Forum in Baghdad, that “the financial situation in Iraq is at its best and that commercial transactions are collected through commercial institutions.”

    He added, “We give the student, the patient, the merchant, the contractor, and the investor the dollar at the official rate.”

    Al-Sudani pointed out that “the notes recorded on Iraqi banks from the US Treasury are from the time of previous governments.”

    He pointed out that “economic reform was one of the most important priorities of the government program.”

    Al-Sudani noted that “the salaries of employees and retirees constitute the largest cash block in the financial budget.”

    It is noteworthy that Iraq relies on the platform for selling currency directly to local banks and companies, which was previously known as the daily dollar auction, as one of the mechanisms for preserving the value of the Iraqi dinar and combating speculative operations in the parallel market. 

    The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, confirmed on February 6 that “some groups are trying to stay away from the platform for selling foreign currency in order to evade taxes or customs or the presence of illegal trade,” indicating “the possibility of meeting all requests for the dollar,” adding that “the bank has no problem.” In offering or selling the dollar.

    He pointed out that “the bank is in a comfortable position to respond to requests to buy dollars. We have sufficient reserves, and soon we will launch a mechanism to ensure that only real travelers get the dollar.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 20 years ago st famkie told me the dinar is like a woman in labor its coming but when I still believe that


  2. Yes you are correct Mountain Goat: nothing is done quickly in Iraq. They move like a very slow snail. So the US Treasury is the big problem now. In my opinion it is the Biden administration that is the hold up. What happens if the democrats cheat again and we have four more years with the Biden/Harris administration? We can only hope that Trump will be reinstated next year so that Iraq can move forward with the monetary/economic reforms. Yes we may have to wait another year for our blessing. Bill Clinton once said there is a Secret Government in USA who is calling the shots. If Clinton says that it is no conspiracy theory. So what´s another year if some of us dinarians have waited for decades. Many dinarians have already died. Even some of the dinar gurus have already died. Many dinarians are homeless and live in tents holding a 25000 dinar note. But most of us live in houses and condos – have a decent income/pension. Some of us are scraping by – living a poor life – but still hang on to the impossible dream – to one day walk into a Chase bank and exchange our dinars and park enormous sums of money in our bank accounts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Roger, we must understand that lots of Iraqi promises have been made to the people. SUDANI s arse is on the line now, an everyone knows all these supposedly contracts that are done can’t be done at 1310. The cat is out of the bag with many of the big banks private client offices of which I can personally testify to after a visit, Jamie Dimon of Chase would not be spending all this get ready money if it’s not gonna happen. If Biden an the USTreasury are holding this up it can’t be for long, as MG has said so correctly THERE IS NO TURNING BACK at this point. Be at peace an patient it is gonna happen. My only thought is Biden does not want all this money coming into this market before the election, which he believes would hamper his chances of being re-elected…. We wait a little longer.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “No turning back”. Indeed MG! The pressure is getting stronger and stronger by each week. ”It’s not IF, but WHEN.” Spring is on its way 🌼

    What a positive reminder of the good that is to come. So much good for the Iraqi citizens and so much good for the investors worldwide. This was a great read MG. I thabk you so much for keeping us abreast weekly. Youre the only voice I listen to and trust on this topic. So appreciated. This is an exciting journey to be a part of 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  4. can you confirm again as I am getting confused. What happens if they give say 1 month to exchange for the lower demons, do we also have to find a way of doing this outside Iraq? What does this mean re the exchange rate for say a 25k note with the 3 zeros gone yet we all hold the old notes?


  5. Hi Mountain Goat! Just want to thank you for all the hard work you do. Your newsletter each week brightens my family’s lives.

    Now may I ask you a question? You made a statement on your recent news letter which said “Wars, displacement, and sanctions have left Iraq’s economy underdeveloped and almost solely dependent on oil exports. But things have changed in Iraq and come this mid-year 2024 we are about to see the results of  many years or reforms in an explosion of progress in many areas of development in Iraq. You see, all these reforms we all have been reading about in the many articles are all good but unless Iraq actually sees any impact they are meaningless. Oh…but we are about to see the impact and it is going to be HUGE $$$.

    I’m not searching for a date or a rate, but just wondering if you gave us a clue as to when things might take place? This is Iraq, yes I know, so things can change. You talk about an explosion of reforms in ‘many areas’ taking place this summer within Iraq. If my thinking is correct there, the RV would have had to have already taken place. Also, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but these ‘many areas’ that are about to explode in reforms in the summer does not mean the RV or reinstatement occurred the night before. What I am trying to say is that the RV will precede these reforms. As you have mentioned, there will be an in-country reinstatement first. This is to reset the marketplace in Iraq and monitor inflation. If there is fluctuation in the dinar due to inflation I am sure Iraq GOI would not open these other reforms until everything was stable. Just my thoughts MG and thank you for your guidance!!

    God Bless you and your family!!



  6. Thank you MG for your continued updates. However today I am not sure what you told us, an the status of the RV section seems confusing at best. I am a regular an long timer at this crazy investment an can generally follow you very well. Based upon your circumstances maybe you should proceed to a paid subscription as it appears requesting donations is not proving beneficial to you an there still seems to be no near finish line in sight based on today’s report. We do appreciate you an want the best for you, your health an well being. Blessings on you MG.


      1. MG (Mnt Goat) never “says nothing”.

        Your statement means that you are either new and not up to speed with current info, or you are one who reads the headlines only, if that.

        If you are going to ‘accuse’ – then back it up by giving an example.


        Liked by 1 person

  7. Lots of iraqi officials are right now in DC and New York. They are paving the way for PM Sudani when he arrives at the White House on April 15. I have been told the iraqi officials have several files in their bags when they visit US Treasury and The Fed. When Sudani arrives in DC on April 15 he also will have some important files in his bag. The most important file is the sanctions on iraqi banks. I have been told the sanctions will be lifted very soon. Yes Sudani will meet Biden, but this is just a symbolic meeting for the press. The most important meetings are happening as we speak. Please also remember that Sudani has promised a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT before the end of Ramadan! I am optimistic for a rate change soon. We can now see evidence for the decline of the Baghdad dollar. So when will the illegal paralell rate be on par with the official rate of 1320? Sudani has mentioned a future rate of 1.32 dinars per dollar. This means an exchange rate of 76 cents per dinar.


  8. mtn goat, this RI is happening before the 15 April meeting imo. what is sudanis big announcement prior to April 10? You think they are going to wait until Jan 2025 for the next U.S. president who they don’t even know who will win? Not very logical


  9. WOW! In the coming days! These recent events are truly unique and we have never witnessed such developments before, I pray for the people of Iraq and all the free people of the world, that stability is maintained, that the parallel rate is squashed; for quality of life, peace and prosperity for all, In God’s Name.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. “I am not going to make up stories to sound smart, then to lie to you.”

    This is why you’re valued by so many of us MG 💖 You are a gift to us and gifts aren’t to be taken for granted. Thank you much for the integrity you display week after week behind the news surrounding our investment and the Iraqi people. What a wonderful journey and a true blessing coming to fruition.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Mountain Goat is by far the best dinar guru out there. No hype, no false hope, no rumors. Just the facts from iraqi newspaper articles. MGs unique weekly contacts with CBI makes her the most reliable guru. We have been fed with so many lies and hopium for years. I stopped listening to many of the idiotic gurus. Instead I concentrated reading all the articles from Iraq instead. By following the articles every week you can also follow the process of the monetary reform. It is now 12 years ago I found the dinar. I never thought we should wait till 2024 – but at 73 I am glad I am still going strong and in top shape. I have never lost faith in this investment. If you one day can park millions of dollars in your bank account it is surely worth the long wait. When Sudani goes to Washington DC with his big team he will do the last negotiation with US Government. This is one of the stops that must succeed. If USG say GO AHEAD WITH THE MONETARY REFORM Sudani allows the US troops to continue their presence in Iraq. In my opinion this is necessary for the security and stability in Iraq. After Sudanese visit in DC we will see LOTS of articles that explain in depth about the negotiation and talks at the White House. The incremental monetary process is necessary because the reinstatement of the dinar must not fail with the citizens!! They have been flooded for a very long time now with daily information from the iraqi government and the central bank. So far the monetary reform has been a success. IMF, US Treasury, Federal Reserve, World Bank, and Bank of International Settlments have all praised the monetary reform in Iraq. Let´s pray that Sudani and his team will succeed in DC on April 15. I look forward to read all the articles about his visit in DC. If he succeeds CBI and GOI will finalize the monetary reform within a month or so. In my opinion of course.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. In 2012 I installed a big dish in my garden in order to follow the iraqi tv stations every day. And I have seen so many leaders come and go but no reinstatement at all. Then came Islamic State and invaded Iraq in 2014 and everything was put on hold. I followed the war every day on television and at last in 2017 IS had been defeated. Back then Haider Al Abadi was the PM of Iraq. Yes he was a great leader and commander in chief – but unfortunately he could not tackle the corruption in Iraq. Today I watched the news on Sharqyia TV and it was all about PM Muhammad Shia Al Sudani in Washington DC. He travelled to USA with a big delegation – 130 officials. I could watch him meeting with IMF, BIS, WB, UST and the Fed. I have seen on iraqi television how he presided a very big meeting yesterday in DC with top officials. The room was crowded with top officials. He will go to Michigan, Texas and California before he returns to Iraq this weekend. Before Sudani left for USA he ordered the government to install big tv screens in Baghdad and all over Iraq. When he returns he will address the nation on television. Not every citizen in Iraq owns a tv set – therefore he ordered big tv screens to be installed so that every citizen can see him and listen to his announcement. Next Monday turkish president Erdogan will visit Baghdad. Erdogan will also pay a visit to Erbil in Kurdistan. Rumor has it that the new lower denominations will be released in May. This is a rumor – not fact. I have also heard that new small category notes will be presented on these big screens. Sudani is loved by the people of Iraq – they trust him 100 %. He will not deceive them. He arrived in Washington DC with great power and authority and he is these days the king of DC. So many wants to shake his hand and invest in Iraq. Sudani was indeed the right man to take office in October 2022. The people really love him and I also love this man for what he has done for Iraq. The CBI floor is now totally free from corruption. This was necessary for the monetary reform. Iraq will build 50 new cities. How is that possible with a worthless currency? I do not know when the reinstatement will occur – but it most certainly will happen this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hello Mountain Goat, I have a question about a comment your CBI contact told you a few weeks ago that they planned to implement the project to delete the zeros in April, and I am wondering whether or not you have been able to confirm that plan and if they are still on track for the April timeframe. Thank you for your response in advance. 


    1. Prime minister Muhammed Shia Al Sudani will review the budget soon according to recent articles.

      Simple logic tells me that the new rate must be in the budget.

      PM Sudani made some kind of announcement at the Atlantic Council that Iraq will raise the value of the dinar.

      He did not say when but eventually this will be done sometime this year.

      Last evening CBI governor talked to the iraqi citizens on national television.

      This was a pre-recorded broadcast made before he travelled to USA.

      Today April 22 PM of Turkey – Erdogan – is in Baghdad to sign several MOUs.

      He will later visit Erbil in Kurdistan.

      I have read that Iraq will be a fully fledged member of WTO on May 9.

      I do not know if this is correct – maybe a rumor.

      Iraq has never been in a hurry with anything – so do not think that we are close.

      I know for a fact that the big screens all over Iraq now has been installed.

      The new small category notes will be exposed on these screens for the citizens.

      Do not forget Hydro Carbon Law (HCL)

      Everything about the reinstatement will be shown in articles and on television in Iraq.

      The education of the citizens will continue


  14. Prime minister of Iraq Muhammed Shia Al Sudani returned yesterday, April 20, from USA.

    His big delegation is still in USA continuing their work.

    Today, April 21, Sudani will address the nation on television probably at 6 PM iraqi time (11 AM EST)

    Later this evening CBI governor Alaq will be interviewed on Hurra TV at 11 PM iraqi time (4 PM EST)

    Hurra TV can be viewed on live stream.

    PM Sudani will continue this week to talk to the nation on TV.

    A big delegation from USA is coming soon to Baghdad.

    I do not expect the reinstatement anytime soon but what we now see is the finnishing touches

    before the rate change.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. It’s time as you have referred to as Iraq going global. They need to get things finished meaning the project to Delete the zeros and the education rapped up. I hope they don’t stall till January 2025. I don’t think they will but it does seem that for every 2 steps forward then end up 3 steps back. Hopefully the forward momentum will continue and gain speed. Looking forward to that day and hopefully it’s very soon.


  16. Is the wto ascension, and education/ lower denoms all that is needed to change the rate. I am not gonna ask will it be fixed to a basket , reinstated to its previous glory rate or just over $1 and let it float, I will take any of the three. But really HOW MUCH LONGER CAN THIS GO ON, would be great to know.


  17. Thank you MG.

    an article recently emerged from Saleh stating that it was not necessary for parliament to vote on schedules. Quite confusing. Anyhow, my question.

    we know the Rate is not in the budget. We also know that the cbi has complete control over the rate ( obviously political consensus with Sudani is a big input ).

    question: to the best of the contacts belief, is the government willfully holding back sending the projects to be voted on until a more favorable Iraqi Dinar rate is released. No nation wants to give their products or services away without real value globally, in return.


  18. Al-Sudani chairs a meeting to follow up on the outcomes of the Washington visit and issues guidance to the advisors

    April 30, 2024Walter

    • Time: 04/30/2024 22:58:40
    • Read: 91 times

    Al-Sudani chairs a meeting to follow up on the outcomes of the Washington visit and issues guidance to the advisors

    Prime Minister Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chairs a meeting to follow up on the outcomes of the Washington visit

    The Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, chaired, this evening, Tuesday, a meeting that included a number of advisors to the Prime Minister. The meeting discussed the file of the Washington visit, and the follow-up of the implementation of the agreements and understandings concluded by the official Iraqi delegation, headed by the Prime Minister, with the American side, during the last visit, based on the government’s approach in closely following up on all the files it is working on, including those related to foreign relations and understandings with Governments of countries, the latest of which is the relationship with the United States.

    The meeting witnessed a discussion of the results of the meetings of the Supreme Coordinating Committee (HCC), concerned with activating the framework agreement between Iraq and the United States with its seven axes, as well as a discussion of the important economic partnership file concluded by the Iraqi private sector with major American companies. 

    Mr. Al-Sudani stressed the importance of following up on the understandings reached between Iraq and the United States in many areas, in order to arrange the bilateral relationship, in a way that serves the highest interests of Iraq. His Excellency pointed to the need to benefit from the competencies that the Iraqi communities abound in reconstruction campaigns and service provision, In implementing the priorities of the government program, His Excellency described these competencies as idle wealth.

     The Prime Minister directed the advisors to arrange priorities in following up on the outcomes of the Washington visit, and for each advisor to follow up on a specific file, along with the relevant ministry and the Iraqi embassy in Washington, and to submit what is verified from it to His Excellency. He also directed to appoint a special secretariat for the Supreme Coordination Committee ( HSS), and emphasis on continuing periodic meetings, to follow up and review what has been accomplished.

     السوداني يترأس اجتماعاً لمتابعة مخرجات زيارة واشنطن ويصدر توجيهاً للمستشارين


    1. Economic adviser to PM Sudani on television yesterday May 2 saying that the parallell rate is now almost on par with the official CBI rate of 1320. He also called for the dinar to float. This is something we have been waiting for a long time. The big delegation of 130 officials have now returned to Iraq from Washington. US Treasury approved and signed the new exchange rate in DC lately. Now we are seeing the result of these big meetings. 


  19. Dear MG,

    The question that I and probably most others would like to ask you is how you (a U.S. Military Intelligence officer) had originally met your CBI contact and if your contact with this person became more regular only after you had purchased the Dinar.

               Respectfully yours,



  20. Question regarding the possible China credit/rate of ~$28, for up to 20MM dinar. With China setting up China Petrol in Iraq, will China still give out this rate as specified before? Thank you.


  21. What is a real number we can hope the rate will stay at at the time of the RV after the first few weeks ?


    1. No one knows the date or rate at this time, although Mountain Goat has often alluded to another program rate change of around 1100 dinar before they delete the zeros. Once they delete the zeros from the exchange rate the new rate will be “In Country” for a period of time. As Mountsin Goat put it, it could be 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. This is Iraq we are talking about and they tend to be a little slow at doing things, but rest assured, it will be done… but on Iraqi time. I would suggest to just be patient and let it happen. To consistently be looking for a date or rate will drive you nuts. I would suggest to focus on the current news cycle and Mountain Goats news letters as this will point you in the right direction.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Hey mountain Goat,

    This is not for your CBI contact, thank you for the offer, but you’re so thorough I can’t think of anything you haven’t covered.

    A few months ago you gave us a an example script of things we might want to say when we went in to exchange at the bank. I had saved a copy, but I have a new email and can’t access it. Do you know which archive newsletter it would be in.

    Thank you



  23. Suki,

    This is from my notes in the past newsletters…I hope this help you…

    “Recently I received a question from a reader of my blog concerning the China contract rate for the dinar. Apparently this person is still confused probably because they are a newbie in this investment. So now I will clarify for everyone what I know of this matter.

    Question: Can you direct me to the date you taught about the oil for dinar program or can you talk more about how to use this information to possibly exchange for close to 301 at the bank? Thank you for sharing your talents with us, you have helped me stay sane during this rollercoaster.

    Mnt Goat Answer: I talked about the contract rate many times and I cannot take the time now to research which newsletters. Sorry! However, I will add that all you have to do is sit with the exchanger at a “major” bank, not a small branch, and simply ask for all the rates for the dinar. Do not say IQD, say Iraqi dinar. If they don’t give you in reply the contract rate of $28.50 then ask for it specifically and tell them you heard it was available. Is that too hard to do? If they tell you they never heard of it, then tell then this is a contract the US Treasury brokered between China and Iraq for oil at a fixed price. If they still don’t know anything about it then go to another bank. I am told you will be allowed only up to 20 million dinar for the contract rate. Anything after that is the market rate. You will have to sign an NDA not to disclose the rate to anyone for up to 90 days.”


  24. MG,

    I have imagined that the RV-education process would be a formal media campaign, a designed sequence of information and PR from GOI or CBI that is explicitly or obviously associated with the RV.

    However, with increasing frequency we see articles and statements that seem to be preparing people for RV-related changes, but these seem to be ad-hoc rather than part of an organized educational process.

    Will the education process be a formal action with a kick-off and metrics and milestones? Or will it be more subtle than that, and could the seemingly ad-hoc articles and statements actually be part of a “shadow” education process?

    Thank you for your years of outstanding reporting and analysis! I remain a huge fan and loyal follower.


  25. Good afternoon!
    Thank you for keeping us educated and informed. I have a question regarding the delayed release of the RV.

    Could it be possible that its timing is influenced by the awaited activation of the USA CBDC?

    This might allow for better monitoring and control over fund usage.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Thank You. 

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I have followed this dinar saga for 12 years now and I have learned a lot about iraqi politics and the widespread corruption that has plagued Iraq for decades. Every year we have had great hope for a reinstatement – but after the big iraqi delegation arrived in USA headed by PM Al Sudani we now can at last see the light in the tunnel ?! POSTPONED – DELAYED – ON HOLD are the most common words we have read during the last 12 years in iraqi articles.. We are now in the second quarter of 2024. The reinstatement can happen in the beginning -in the middle – or in the end of a quarter!! My take is JUNE. This is confirmed by a wealth manager from Chase a week ago. There will soon be a slew of articles in Iraq explaining and showing the new small catergory notes to the citizens. I do not know if the big screens already have been installed – but before PM Al Sudani went to USA he ordered big screens to be installed as soon as possible. It is very possible that the new small category notes will be shown on these big screens all over Iraq. The reinstatement of the dinar is not a secret anymore – it is in plain view for those who are alert. PS Vietnam central bank has just announced that they will soon interfere on Forex!!! According to several banks in USA Vietnam will alos raise the value of the dong!! Tellers are now being trained for the big foreign currency exchange

    Liked by 1 person

  27. thank you MG, long long follower. Your reports are always informative an factual. Yes the choo choo is moving really fast, but is the train station fifty miles or 5000 miles away. All of the redone an new contracts can’t work or get going at 1320. We hope it won’t be like last time where they all cancelled because of no rate change. Not sure if Iraq will get another chance or just be a laughing stock of the world, which maybe the plan of the current US politicians/ bureaucracy. Always lots of somewhat good news but then it’s always something else to overcome. Oh the champagne has spoiled from the in an out of the frig . Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Fact no 1: Prime minister Muhammad Shia Al Sudani has recently been on iraqi television and talked about COINS! Yes coins. Metal coins and paper fils. The people have now been informed about coins and paper fils. Paper fils are much cheaper to manufacture and more easy to handle for the citizens.

    Fact no 2: Videos have been made to inform the citizens on television and on the big screens. These videos were made as soon as the delegation returned from USA in April. Sudani and his ministers and CBI governor Alaq with his board will speak to the citizens in these videos. They plan to very soon show these videos to the citizens. These videos will shown around the clock for weeks until the citizens have got the message!

    Former CBI governor Sinan Shabibi said many years ago that the reinstatement can happen in the beginning of a year and in the middle of a year.

    My take is still JUNE this year.


    1. Hi Roger, thank you for the update. I hope everything you said holds true. If these things start happening, then there is reason to start getting excited.

      However. how do you know this? If I remember correctly, you have access to Iraqi TV? If so, how can you understand what is being discussed? This isn’t an attack but just asking? Thanks, Gavin


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